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Release Form

Please complete the following form or click here to print & complete prior to your visit.

Minor Release Form

All persons under the age of 18 are required to have a parent or guardian fill out this form.

By signing below, you agree that you are the parent or legal guardian of the minor receiving treatment(s) at our facility. You understand that you are required to remain at the facility for the entirety of the minor’s treatment(s). You will also be required, if needed, to assist the minor in preparing for his/her treatment(s). We may also request that you remain in the treatment room to supervise all interactions between the therapist and the minor.

You also agree that you have completed the Intake Form and have informed the therapist of all medical diagnoses, symptoms, medications, and complaints associated with the minor receiving treatment(s).


, certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of

who is

years of age as of today. I have completed the Intake Form for the above-mentioned minor and informed the

therapist of all relevant medical history and concerns. I understand the scope of massage therapy and that it is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any conditions and is not a replacement for standard medical care. I give permission for my minor child to receive treatment(s) at this facility and agree to all the above terms.

Thanks for submitting!

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